If you're looking for a juicy anti-vaxx/ pro-vaxxer debate, this is not the time nor place. Because there is a larger issue at hand. And that is whether or not an Anti-Vaxx mom has chewed you to pieces, and spit you and your whole family out for not agreeing with their vaccination logic. This is basically like a support group post. I see you. I hear you. And you are not alone.
My journey started 9 years ago when I had my first child- a beautiful, healthy, alert baby boy. Vaccination talk was minimal at that time (in comparison). There were theories, but labels weren't applied, as far as I can remember. It was a time when you were free to hear a medically licensed Doctor's perspective on the importance of vaccinations. You could also get a thousand, million other professional opinions that mirrored the same stance. I know, I know- they were all doing it for the money, those selfish, life-saving pricks. But, at the time.. Life. Was. Bliss.
Fast forward a few years, and 2 kids later- and the topic of vaccination had exploded. By baby #3, I had seen SO MANY mom opinions and blog posts justifying theories of vaccination threat, that...
(PAUSE! Let me repeat that last statement. So many MOM OPINIONS AND BLOG POSTS, that... Are we really taking this seriously? ...SMFDH. That's the acronym I invented for how dumb this all sounds.)
So yeah, anyway, I almost bought in. My 3rd was born exactly one month premature. I suffer from genetic high blood pressure, and pregnancies became increasingly difficult. I asked my children's pediatrician if a delayed vaxx schedule should be considered for him. I was nervous. Actually, I was fcking scared. It was as if I completely forgot that I was vaccinated- Or that my husband was vaccinated- Or my two other healthy children were vaccinated. Like, all of my personal experiences as a mother flew right out the window. Don't we have enough to worry about, as parents?? I already understand that there are risks and side effects!! Thanks for the added anxieties, Ashley.
So my children are vaccinated. But that's not the point I'm trying to make.
What I'm getting at is that by vaccinating my children, I have become a target of hate.
The top 5 things that I have learned about myself through the opinions of anti vaxx moms:
- I do not love my kids
- I'm a lazy parent for relying on experts and not doing my own research
- Every cold, illness, ailment, and disorder is my fault and a direct result of vaccination
- I poison my children to avoid having to put in the extra work
- I'm a follower at the expense of my children, and I don't care
Now we're prime meals, ready for eating.
Anti-Vaxx mom: "So, I hear your oldest has asthma."
Scared as shit, me: "Yeah... so weird, right? It runs in the family, but.. just so weird."
Anti-vaxx mom: "Well, was he vaccinated? Like, what was his schedule? When was the most recent introduced?"
Me, thinking.. (wtf, introduced?)
Anti-vaxx mom, sensing my confusion, and remembering I'm an idiot: "So, what are you going to do about it?"
Me: "Well, we have him on a steroid inhaler, 2x per day plus a nebulizer and albuterol inhaler for the difficult days."
Anti-vaxx mom: "I'm about to make you my fkcing breakfast, you POS mom."
And that's pretty much how it goes.
But that's just my opinion.
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